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2020 Best of Denton Contest Winner: Best Martial Arts School!

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2020 Winner Best of Denton!

Blue Belt signifies "Reaching for the Sky" as you begin to mature in your martial arts training.

Blue Belt Study Guide—"Patience"

Major Objectives

• To better understand the concept of Free Sparring and be able to integrate fluid response to attack as well as develop a personal offensive strategy.

• To perform all previous Forms better than at the time tested with them.

• To practice the Student Oath and Tenets of Taekwondo in more than just words, but as a philosophy as well

• To perfect 2 personal One-Steps using the Keys to Perfect Technique as a guide and using imagination as a tool to develop creativity.

• 4th grade students will demonstrate Joon Gun Form.

Joon Gun Form was named after the patriot Ahn Joong Gun, who assassinated Hiro Bumi Ito, the first Japanese Governor-General of Korea. Ito was the man who played the leading part in the Korea-Japan merger. There are 32 movements in this pattern to represent Mr. Ahn's age when he was executed at Lui-Shung prison (1910).

• 3rd grade students will demonstrate Toi Gye Form.

Toi Gye was the pen name of the noted 16th century scholar Yi Hwang, an authority on neo-Confucianism. The 37 movements of the pattern refer to his birthplace on the 37° latitude, while the diagram (±) represents "scholar."

Required Techniques

Personal Workout Structure

Upper Body Techniques
Twin Punches
Twin Upset Punches
X Block
Stick Block
Heavy Bag/Power
Line Drills/Repetition
Lower Body Techniques
Cat Stance
Ax Kick
Knee Smash
Partner Enhanced
Wall/Floor Stretching
Focus Drills
One-steps/Free Sparring
Training Equipment

Personal Workouts should be practiced on a regular schedule.


More Study Guides:  Stance | White Belt | Yellow Belt | Green Belt | Red Belt | Black Belt