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Stance Study Guide

In martial arts, a stance is a combination of foot position and body weight distribution. This page describes the three basic stances of taekwondo. Other stances, often variations of these, are taught in advanced classes.

Front Stance
A. feet one shoulder in width, with one foot a healthy stride forward
B. front knee bent, back leg locked
C. hips and shoulders square with front of room
D. both feet (all toes) pointed straight ahead
E. body weight in the middle of the stance

Back Stance
A. front foot points straight ahead; back foot points at a right angle, forming an "L"
B. hips and shoulders parallel with front foot
C. 70% of body weight on back leg and 30% on front leg

Horse Riding Stance
A. feet two shoulders in width and parallel with each other, toes straight ahead
B. knees bent outward
C. body weight on outside of feet


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